Since 2000, Corporate Hartz, LLC has specialized in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. We help executives and teams navigate the increasingly complex, global, and interconnected role of business in society. Taking a strategic view is especially valuable when there is a shift in scale, scope, geography, regulations, economics, ownership, or leadership. We engage clients' stakeholders and arm them with information and opportunities to get involved. We leverage customized strategies and tools to apply valuable company assets to serve others and to grow the bottom line.
To maximize the impact of CSR, we lead with our minds and follow with our hearts.
In 2012, based on years of experience advising individuals, couples, and families, we launched a stand-alone service for Personal & Family Philanthropy clients. Anyone with a desire and capacity to use fiscal and personal assets to make a difference will benefit. The result is efficient, effective, and philanthropy, which enhances relationships and leaves a legacy for future generations.
To maximize the impact of Philanthropy, we lead with our hearts and follow with our minds.
We also offer a number of opportunities for clients to learn about Best Practices in both areas of expertise, including bimonthly Hartz & Minds articles.
Corporate Hartz is a trusted counsel that brings insightful strategies and solutions to all engagements. Companies generate revenue, save money, improve culture, build brand, green operations, and advance society. Families gain a shared pursuit of the greater good, enhanced relationships within and across generations, and the joy of purposeful living.
Our engaging and collaborative process builds capability and capacity within all our clients.
What else? This work is important and meaningful, but also an opportunity to enjoy, teach, and learn from each other as we move from success to significance, together.
Yours in Service,
Founder and President
The power behind Corporate Hartz, LLC is Jennifer Hartz. Her background includes in-house roles at iXL Enterprises and The Home Depot, and consulting through McKinsey & Company and Cresap (Towers Watson). She has vast non-profit knowledge through engagements with Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Habitat for Humanity International, as well as a long history of volunteer leadership.
Jennifer has an MBA with a concentration in Public Policy from Georgia Tech and a BA in Industrial Psychology from University of Pennsylvania. She is the Advisory Council Chair of Hands On Atlanta, as well as an alumna of Outstanding Atlanta, Leadership Atlanta, and the Marshall Memorial European Fellowship program.
Jennifer and her husband Eric have 4 young adult "children," who were raised from diaper-age with articulated and reinforced family values and active volunteerism through “WhyServe?” an interfaith charity Jennifer co-founded.