In my work with public and private companies, public and private foundations, nonprofit organizations, and individuals, I encounter two sources of frustration, both equally valid:
Nonprofit Frustration
Nonprofit organizations sometimes feel that donors require too much of them or that donors engage monetarily, but not in other ways which could further their cause.
Private Sector Frustration
For-profits sometimes feel that nonprofits to which they donate do not give them enough information or voice in their ongoing operations or programming.
Collaboration Across Sectors: Public, Private, and Independent
None of us operate in a vacuum. Intervening considerations include: the tax code, the media, corporate goals and restrictions, public charities, individual values, legacy estates and foundations with future generations leading them, other intermediary organizations, research findings which often reach different conclusions, etc.
Public and private interests are best advanced with collaboration among the three sectors (government, business, and non-profit), where everybody gives and receives something of value. We must all work to understand others’ perspectives and expertise; then we can make a real difference in our society.
Grantee Bill of Rights
Grantee Bill of Rights from “Strategic Giving: The Art and Science of Philanthropy” by Peter Frumkin.
(Thank you to Cydnee Dubrof of The Dubrof Group for bringing this resource to my attention.)
Grantees Have the Right To:
- Know a donor’s interest
- Just hear “no”
- A meeting
- Grants larger than the cost of getting them
- General operating support
- Multi-year support
- Uniform paperwork and reporting
- RESPECT for their expertise
In this seeming morass of complexity, there is a great deal of opportunity for breakthrough solutions, social development, institutional improvement, and personal growth. Corporate Hartz LLC has been a catalyst among the three sectors and individuals for years and anticipates working with each of you, your colleagues, your friends, and your families, to ensure that each day each of us is repairing the world.
This piece is a companion to Hartz & Minds, “Donor Bill of Rights.”